Melancholic Passion

"Indeed, one may rage against one's attachment to some others (which is simply to alter the terms of the attachment), but no rage can sever the attachment to alterity, except perhaps a suicidal rage that usually still leaves behind a note, a final address, thus confirming that allocutory bond" (195).

This is a sentence leading to the final climax of The Psychic Life of Power, a part which is about how one's attachment to the introjected otherness is fundamental. Please note that this sentence is put in the context of the discussion about melancholy. The melancholy is a failure of introverting the object of loss; it constitutes in a subject a painful conflict between the subject and the idealized object of loss.
The radicalness of the book lies in its insistence that the melancholy is far from exceptional state of mind but is pertinent for constituting our subjectivity. It makes a fundamental dialectic in our mind. yes, very Hegelian. Her dissertation was about Hegel, actually.

I was struck by another essay by Sam Weber, "The Virtuality of the Media". Must read.

I listen to Bjork these days.

I wrote an email in French to a French girl. It took long, not only because I am not fluent with French, but because the arrangements of keys for French is very different. It is hard to handle with many signs of accents, too.